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Between 13–15 June 2022, the X In­ter­na­tional Conference of the European Council for Social Research on Latin America (CEISAL) will be hosted in Helsinki, Fin­land

The X In­ter­na­tional Conference of the European Council for Social Research on Latin America (CEISAL), 13–15  June 2022, Helsinki, Fin­land

CEISAL2022 is also the Nordic Latin American Research Network (NOLAN) 11th Conference

When the hype around globalization has waned, where does this leave Latin America? The region that opened up its economies and societies to global forces is now witnessing a new surge of protectionism and fierce competition at all levels by the economic and political superpowers. At the same time, environmental destruction, the rise of populism, as well as the restructuring of global networks and relations have created profound changes in the region and in the global arena. Obviously, no single strategy or remedy can address the multi-faceted challenges Latin America faces today. The conference aims to bring together researchers working on all aspects of Latin American Studies, with the goal to explore the changing conditions that are shaping Latin American societies after globalization. The conference focuses on local and regional responses to these developments and on re-examining ways Latin America is portrayed and understood. With such diverse, fluid, non-linear and uncertain trajectories, how are Latin American futures formed and transformed?

The conference languages are Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Conference in Twitter: #CEISAL2022